Wednesday, May 30, 2012 space

Last miniute motion thingy.

Vote for pikachu 2012

The Sandsman

Dear Mr. Sands, you have been one of my favorite teachers in all of highschool(the world).  I think I learned more then I probably think I learned.  I would say I love you in a wierd way, but that would be weird...
Anyway I hope this makes up for whatever work I didn't turn in.

Thanks for everything,
(Vote for Pikachu)

-Joel "Charlie, Destroyer of Worlds" Bloch

Partial credit: Brandon Bridges

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Word Play

 The First piece depicts Altoids spear soldiers or Spearmint.  (Guards from Alice in Wonderland)

The second is a bell with a nice ass :3 with a convientent bell crack.

And the Third is Gorilla Warfare which is totally not recycled.

Pikachu 2012

Your Worst Nightmare

Trust me, you would not want to see this sign in a dark alley... or even in a well lit and trafficked area.  bebause joel is a queer and likes to be mean to pinky

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Colbert = frenchfries

Just ignore this blog post.  this is not the blog post you are looking for Pinky. 

Vote for Pikachu for president 2012

Lance Armstrong

This is Lance Armstrong.  Lance Armstrong is super excited about Pikachu's presidential campaign.  Hes voting for Pikachu and you should too.  This blog entry is not a ploy to get you to vote for Pikachu.  Its a... bad last name pun....

Pikachu for president 

Monday, May 14, 2012

An Inconvenient Ruth

Babe Ruth is ruining the environment.
Everyone and their mother knows that.

Help save the world.  Watch this movie and protest against Babe Ruth.

Pikachu 2012

Gummy Bear

The Gummy bear is an important part of the Australian ecosystem. Not to be confused with the Ursaring, although shiny Ursarings are often refereed to as gummys.  Non-shiny Ursarings are called Colbears.  This is a Colbert pun.

Vote for Pikachu 2012.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pinky Sucks

This is a cinemagraph (one thing is moving from a still life).  Pinky wouldn't sit still so I only ended up using a 5 out of the 50ish pictures that I took... the tripod moved around alot too.

Bottom line: Pinky sucks at posing, and vote for Pikachu 2012.

Theme: unrequited love?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Parts project... its Pikachu made out of cheese things and other assorted food stuffs.

... dont ask..

Vote for Pikachu for president 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Its a Duck

Adobe Illustrator adventures continue.  Its essentially Daffy Duck.  The pen tool is pretty bad.

 Vote for Pikachu 2012.

Peace and Love

So we tried out Adobe Illustrator or something.  The flower is generated.  The background is from my good friend google images.  Theres some sort of cool theme about life in it or something.


... Pikachu 2012 

[Voting for Pikachu in the next election will improve your physique]

Monday, April 16, 2012

Scene Bear Don't Care

This is a super duper walk cycle featuring 8 frames.  The background moves and stuff.

Now this bear may have an extremely scene haircut that three different people collaborated on, but at least the bright and sunny background lets you know that its not one of the sparkly vampire bastards.

Um... I don't know... I guess vote for Pikachu for president 2012

um... yup...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Go to PeakFest

Our last assignment was to create a poster for Peakfest 2012.  The best poster in the class may actually be professionally printed and used for Peakfest.  Im not completely sure what Peakfest is... but Im sure that they'll use mine.  The thought and effort behind my poster is far superior than that of everyone else's posters(and if not, the message behind mine is much better).

Be sure to go to Peakfest.  Pikachu will be campaigning there.

Pikachu 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Im Thinking Pikachu on My Right Shoulder

So im turning 18 soon...  I feel old...  Anyway, the thought of getting a tattoo to make my mom upset probably inspired this piece.  The assignment was to make a design strictly out of text and only use one word.

Gradients are cool I guess...

Pikachu for President 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pikachu for President 2012

he is awesome and he see's he string that control the system and he advocates the separation of church and state.

there was something about the grand scheme of the universe coming from the sticky notes too.

blogger is stupid and deleted the original post so this is an abridged version of the original brought to you by Hamilton. the video still wont work so go to hamilton's or kate's blog for the video


vote pikachu 2012

Hide and Seek

Joel Bloch and Kate Borck

Every year thousands of children are killed when games are taken too seriously.  These aren't children though.  These are toys; and neither of the toys died because they are inanimate objects.

This video is a stop motion animation.  It was made in flash.  Flash is hard to work with and not very user friendly.

 Pikachu for president 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Retouching WhatsHerFace

Continuing the retouching unit, we set out to retouch an image with set instructions on the page.  I think we were just supposed to make her skinnier and make her boobs bigger or something.  As I continued, I may have made a few mistakes with the warp tool.  I have yet to find the flaws in the final draft, but something just doesn't sit right with me.

First Retouching

In my Computer art and animation class, we started a retouching unit.  We started with a picture of a girl with a moderate amount of freckles and a cheesy supermodel pose.  Much of this was done with the spot heal tool.  For some reason, I feel like, somewhere along the way, something may have gone a little wrong.  Unfortunently, I have yet to figure out my error.  Please contact if your able to give constructive comments.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Sky is the Limit

Our latest assignment in Computer art and animation was to combine paint splats with other pictures to make the image look like the product of an intense narcotic experience.  Because this concept is too immense for my feeble mind, I produced the next best thing: a rocket ship.  Like the rest of my art, this piece contains an underlying message.  This one can be summed up with: "The Sky is the Limit, but once you leave the atmosphere, your just being ridiculous."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Color Clock of Doom

This is an RGB color wheel.  Its actually a color clock except its not a color clock.  Its several color clocks that for an RGB color clock.  The distressed background is an attempt to convey the theme: "Time wasted makes the heart grow fonder... or something like that..."

The RGB color wheel is based on how colors in light mix.  Its more accurate than the conventional color wheel.  Its also less of a scrub.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Space and Stuff

This is a picture of two planets.  The blue planet on the left is a water based planet named Terra I, and the green planet on the right is a nutella based planet named Billy.  This digitally rendered picture, based on gradients and effect rendering, depicts how Terra I and Billy grew sick of their mundane existences, and, at the cost of their living, surface populations, embarked on a wondrous adventure through infernous nebula known as the Bow Shock.  Its a very heart warming story.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


The next tutorial we did in my Computer art and Animation class was on colorizing.  This was originally a picture of Pikachu on a beach or something.  This was changed by playing with the threshold and blending a color layer.  It turned out ok, but it probably would have been better if I used a picture with a darker subject and a lighter background.  A more imaginative or more thought out color scheme would have been better as well. 


This is Bruce.  He is a shark bunny which is a cross between a shark and a bunny.  His hobbies include cuddling, bath time, sacking small villages, and long walks on the beach.  If you say or think that he looks shopped, he will find you and eat your face off. He also believes that the government that governs least governs best.  What a cutie :D

Monday, January 30, 2012


This week, in my Computer Art and Animation, we had another tutorial.  Thankfully, this one was much shorter.  In the tutorial video, a picture of an elephant and paint spatter.  This was done using the warp transformation tool, and changing the layer settings.  Using these concepts I combined a blood spatter and bunny... Its not his blood :D (Its a Monty Python reference.)

Late to Class

The next assignment done for my Computer Art and Animation class was a clone project.  we did this by combining multiple pictures of the same person in different physical positions against the same background. 

This project came out decently, but I had a bit of trouble with some of the shadows and lighting due to the sunlight through the door.

Very Seductive

For the second tutorial in my Computer Art and Animation class, We combined a picture of a tree frog and a tongue mouth combo.  We did this by cutting out the frog and using a clone stamp tool to make the frog more tongue like... or at least try to.  This would be a very tedious process if I took more time to make it look realistic...  Hm...Kinky...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cute Pancakes

The first tutorial in my computer Art and Animation was really long.  The objective was to edit two pictures together to end up with something similar to the adorable stack of pancakes to the right.  

I feel like this turned out well for my first time with Photoshop, but I still have a ton of room for improvement.  Mainly, I managed to warp some of the original image in a way i didn't mean, and the recoloring is a little rough.