Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Go to PeakFest

Our last assignment was to create a poster for Peakfest 2012.  The best poster in the class may actually be professionally printed and used for Peakfest.  Im not completely sure what Peakfest is... but Im sure that they'll use mine.  The thought and effort behind my poster is far superior than that of everyone else's posters(and if not, the message behind mine is much better).

Be sure to go to Peakfest.  Pikachu will be campaigning there.

Pikachu 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Im Thinking Pikachu on My Right Shoulder

So im turning 18 soon...  I feel old...  Anyway, the thought of getting a tattoo to make my mom upset probably inspired this piece.  The assignment was to make a design strictly out of text and only use one word.

Gradients are cool I guess...

Pikachu for President 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pikachu for President 2012

he is awesome and he see's he string that control the system and he advocates the separation of church and state.

there was something about the grand scheme of the universe coming from the sticky notes too.

blogger is stupid and deleted the original post so this is an abridged version of the original brought to you by Hamilton. the video still wont work so go to hamilton's or kate's blog for the video

Kate's http://katebca.blogspot.com/2012/03/pika-chuuuuuuuuuuuu-our-assignment-to.html
Hamilton's http://brianscoolartblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/pikachu-i-choose-yoooou.html

vote pikachu 2012

Hide and Seek

Joel Bloch and Kate Borck

Every year thousands of children are killed when games are taken too seriously.  These aren't children though.  These are toys; and neither of the toys died because they are inanimate objects.

This video is a stop motion animation.  It was made in flash.  Flash is hard to work with and not very user friendly.

 Pikachu for president 2012